Friday, February 21, 2014

Psychidae The bagworm family

The mother that never grew up. Bagworm moms are able to have babies while they are still immature. A phenomenon known as neoteny.

Dishiledjambo frogs: Amietophryne gutturalis the guttural toad, adult and juvenile.

Possible Conopid fly

This is a wasp mimic.

Pheidole (The Big headed ant)

Banana slug

Lycaenid butterfly (Hairtail)

Dishiledjambo gecko with regenerated tail

Possible immature Alydid bug

Dishiledjambo hopper

Coenomorpha (Bark stink bug) in the family Pentatomidae

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Plectroctena, the Snapper ant.

This ant feeds mainly on millipedes

Paper wasp (Belonogaster sp)

Paper wasp (Polistes sp) in old aloe leaves

Spider family threesome.

 Nephinengys, the hermit spider.
 Green jumping spider (Salticidae)
Hamataliwa, a Lynx spider.

Harvestman (Opilionidae)

This is an arachnid but not a spider. Notice that it has no clear separation between the abdomen and the cephalothorax.

Geometridae moth.

Stegodyphus the social spiders.

Merenius alberti, an ant mimic spider in the family Corinnidae

Apochinomma formicaeforme, a wonderful ant mimic in the family Corinnidae.

 This is polyrachis the ant that Apochinomma mimics.

Lactrodectus geometricus The brown widow spider

Beautiful and worthy of respect!

Geometridae (Literally those that measure the earth) Inchworms in the genus Scopula.

These awesome little guys are displaying warning colors that tell other creatures not to eat them.

Dishiledjambo "bug" life

Scarab beetle, Melolonthinae or Rutelinae. (Otherwise known as a flying peanut)
Camoflaged grasshopper.
Giant african land snail.
Weevil hidden in a flower.
Katydid with long antennae

A spider family post

 A Sparassid, perhaps Olios sp.
 A Garden spider (Argiope sp)
Lycosidae (Wolf spider) Note the egg sac that is carried on the spinnerets at the back.

Natta horizontalis, a jumping spider in the family Salticidae.

Wonderful crawlies.

 Tenebrionidae: a possible tree darkling beetle Eupezus sp.
 Mantid teenager wannabe! Cant you just feel that attitude.

 Possible Cicadellid hopper
Chrysomelid or leaf beetle.

A range of creatures

 The two tailed spider (Hersiliidae) has elongated spinnerets which it uses to lay silk down as it races around a hapless prey insect. It then bites it through the cocoon that it has created.
 A very black tiger beetle (Cicindellidae)